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This is a reference document for all errors.


This should be referenced to in the ERROR module


  • Message : Bad argument number %s to function %q. Expected %s, got %s
  • Severity: Error

An argument was passed to a function that doesn't match an expected type.

Catwork.Fragment("cat") -- Not OK
Catwork.Fragment {} -- OK


  • Message: Bad argument number %s to function %s. Type %s could not be converted into object %s.
  • Severity: Error

Catwork uses internal headers to identify what tables you're passing to functions. This error emits when an incorrect object was passed.

Catwork:CreateFragmentForService({}, {}) -- Not OK, expects Service on second arg
Catwork:CreateFragmentForService({}, SomeService) -- OK


  • Message: Bad self call to %q, did you mean to use : instead of .?
  • Severity: Error

For some methods, we can evaluate specifically if you've sent the correct object as self in the method. When you do : calling, this isn't an issue, however, if you call with ., for example, inside a pcall, you must also pass the table as self

More information on method call sugar syntax


You should generally use : syntax where possible on methods where it is defined, because its actually slightly faster. You should only fallback to ., if you're trying to index the function, for example, inside a pcall

pcall(Catwork.GetFragmentsOfName, Catwork, "cat")
Catwork.GetFragmentsOfName("cat") -- Not OK, self was not passed
Catwork.GetFragmentsOfName({}, "cat") -- Not OK, wrong object was not passed
Catwork.GetFragmentsOfName(Catwork, "cat") -- OK, catwork passed as self
Catwork:GetFragmentsOfName("cat") -- OK, method call syntax


  • Message: Object %* cannot be converted to %s. Type of key %s is invalid. Expected %q, got %q.
  • Severity: Error

The Catwork.Fragment and Catwork.Service constructors validate their shape, Fragments are loosely checked since they can be expanded, but Service is strictly checked.

If you get this error, it means you've defined a key with the wrong type.

Catwork.Fragment {
    Name = 0 -- < this causes an error

    Name = "Cat" -- < this is ok


  • Message: Template %s does not exist for Service %*.
  • Severity: Error

This error is emitted when you call Service:CreateFragmentFromTemplate using a string key representing a template that doesn't exist.

Use Templates directly where possible

Its safer to use templates directly, as referencing them by string can result in the template not being defined.

Many services abstract the CreateFragmentFromTemplate function behind some other constructor, as this mechanism is fairly internal.


  • Message: Function %q is deprecated. Use %q instead.
  • Severity: Warn

The method is deprecated, and the alternative should be used.


  • Message: Fragment %* has already been spawned.
  • Severity: Error

This appears when you try to spawn a Fragment multiple times, if you're trying to capture the result of a Spawn call, use Await or HandleAsync instead.


  • Message: Fragment %* cannot be spawned because it has been destroyed.
  • Severity: Error

This error is invoked when you try to spawn a destroyed Fragment, because destroyed Fragments dont appear in any of Catwork's internal storage tables, they cant be spawned.


  • Message: A fragment experienced an error while spawning: %s
  • Severity: Error

Shown as a fail-state of the xpcall that Service.Spawning is wrapped into, you should try to track down this error in your own code.


  • Message: Fragment %s is already defined
  • Severity: Error

When using a static ID, they must be unique per service. You may have multiple Fragments with the same ID as long as they are not in the same Service.


  • Message: Service %s is already defined.
  • Severity: Error

Service names must be unique, this error is shown when you try to create an already existing Service.


Future addition, not currently implemented

  • Message: Fragment %* is awaiting upon itself and will never resolve. Use HandleAsync instead.
  • Severity: Warn

This is warned when you call self:Await inside an Init callback directly or indirectly, you should instead use self:HandleAsync

Init = function(self)
    self:Await() -- this will never resolve
Init = function(self)
    self:HandleAsync(function(ok, err)
        -- this will resolve as it runs outside of the Init callback


  • Message: Cannot use Fragment ID %s, a new ID has been generated.
  • Severity: Warn

GUIDs cannot be used as static IDs, as this is the fallback state for non-static fragments. If you want to statically use a GUID identifier, add a prefix char such as _.


  • Message: Error: %*. This is likely a known internal error, please report it!
  • Severity: Error

This only appears when a known internal error occurs, if this does appear, please report it and what you're doing, as it likely means we're trying to track down a bug.


  • Message: Template %s already exists
  • Severity: Error

Services store templates with string identifiers, and only one Template may exist per identifier.


  • Message: Service %* does not implement templates.
  • Severity: Error

The service is not a TemplateService, and as such, Service.Template cannot be used on it.


If you're trying to create a TemplateService, you can auto-enable them either through the existence of a TemplateAdded callback, or you can explicitly enable it with EnableTemplates

return Catwork.Service {
    EnableTemplates = true -- explicit definition

    TemplateAdded = function() -- implicit definition


  • Message: Unknown Error
  • Severity: Error

The internal error emitter was called with an invalid identifier. Please report this if it happens.